Critical and Hostile Mail Archive Since its inception in 1978, Parents and Teachers Against Violence in Education has maintained an archive of critical and hostile mail. A portion of that archive has been available to all visitors at this Web site. The Board of Directors has now decided to remove this material except for five typical examples which can be seen on Vilifying the Scapegoat, Then and Now and the example shown at the bottom of this page.
We were prompted to take this action when we became aware that the collection, which we updated from time to time with newly received material, had become a de facto forum for habitual, dedicated child-beaters -- a parade ground of sorts where they could display their colors in congenial company. This unforeseen development posed a serious dilemma: How does one expose a sewer without spreading the stink? The only answer, it seemed, was for us to impose a degree of self-censorship.
Recognizing the scientific and historic value of the hostile mail collection, the PTAVE Board hopes that at some time in the future the collection can be made freely available to any interested reader. But, for now, we have decided to restrict readership to researchers, educators, scholars and journalists. If you believe you satisfy this criterion, and would like to access the Critical and Hostile Mail Archive, this is what you must do. Put your request in writing using your professional stationery (not e-mail) explaining your purpose. If your request is approved, we'll mail you an unpublished link to the archive. Send your request to PTAVE, Attn: Jordan Riak, P.O. Box 1033, Alamo, CA 94507.
Announced and effective 10-22-00.
Hostile mail examples