Belgium expected soon to join the abolitionist states (November 1998)
Information courtesy of EPOCH WORLDWIDE, a federation of organizations committed to ending physical punishment of children worldwide, 77 Holloway Rd., London N7 8JZ.
In Belgium, the National Commission against Sexual Exploitation of Children proposed that an article should be added to the Constitution recognizing the right of every human being to physical, psychological and sexual integrity; the Commission proposes ways of supporting adults in using non-violent child-rearing. The Commission concluded:
"The absence of violence in relations with children cannot be limited to a self-imposed obligation nor to a personal style of child-rearing practiced by certain people. The absence of violence should be a norm respected by the whole of society, not only because even today too many children are the victims of acts of violence, but because children and their integrity as persons should be always and everywhere respected... Respect for children and violence against them can never go together. If one of the characteristics of a society which thinks of itself as civilized is the absence of violence, there can be no justification for violence against children".
A proposal to prohibit corporal punishment in the family is currently before the Belgian Senate.

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