Bakan, David, Slaughter of the Innocents. Boston: Beacon Press, 1971

Bitinsky, Susan H., "Spare the Rod, Embrace Our Humanity: Toward a New Legal Regime Prohibiting Corporal Punishment of Children". University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, Volume 31, Issue 2, 1998.

Bluestein, Jane, Creating Emotionally Safe Schools. Deerfield Beach, Florida: Health Communications, Inc., 2001.

Falk, Herbert Arnold, Corporal Punishment: A social interpretation of its theory and practice in the schools of the United States. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1941.

Forward, Susan, Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life. New York: Bantam Books, 1989.

Gibson, Ian, The English Vice. London: Duckworth, 1978.

Gilligan, James, Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1996

Greven, Philip, Spare the Child: The Religious Roots of Punishment and the Psychological Impact of Physical Abuse. New York: Random House, 1991.

Hentoff, Nat, Does Anybody Give a Damn?. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1977.

Hyman, I. A., Reading, Writing and the Hickory Stick: The Appalling Story of Physical and Psychological Violence in American Schools. Boston: Lexington Books, 1990.

Hyman, Irwin A. and Snook, Pamela A., Dangerous Schools: What We Can Do About the Physical and Emotional Abuse of Our Children. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1999.

Lewis, Dorothy Otnow, Guilty by Reason of Insanity - A Psychiatrist Explores the Minds of Killers. New York: The Ballantine Publishing Group, 1998.

Males, Mike A., The Scapegoat Generation: America's War on Adolescents. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1996.

Marshall, Michael J., Why Spanking Doesn't Work, Springville, Utah: Bonneville Books, 2002

Maurel, Olivier, La Fessée: 100 questions-réponses sur les châtiments corporels. Tressan: éditions La Plage, 2001.(French publication--see notice).

Maurer, Adah, Paddles Away: A Psychological Study of Physical Punishment in Schools. Palo Alto, California: R & E Research Associates, 1981.

Menninger, Karl, The Crime of Punishment. New York: The Viking Press, Inc., 1966.

Mercurio, Joseph A., Caning: Educational Rite and Tradition. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Division of Special Education and the Center on Human Policy, 1972.

Miller, Alice, The Truth Will Set You Free--Overcoming Emotional Blindness and Finding Your True Adult Self. New York: Basic Books Group, 2001. (PTAVE strongly recommends all Alice Miller’s works.)

__________. Paths of Life: Seven Scenarios. New York: Pantheon Books, 1998.

__________. Breaking Down the Wall of Silence. London: Virago, 1991.

__________. Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child. New York: New American Library, 1984.

__________. For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child Rearing and the Roots of Violence. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1983.

__________. Prisoners of Childhood: The Drama of the Gifted Child and the Search for the True Self. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1981.

Montagu, Ashley, Man and Aggression. London: Oxford University Press, 1968.

Eli H. Newberger, The Men They Will Become - The Nature and Nurture of Male Character. Cambridge: Persues Publishing, 1999.

Newell, Peter, Children are People Too: The Case Against Physical Punishment of Children. London: Bedford Square Press, 1989.

Parks, Alexia, An American Gulag: Secret P.O.W. Camps for Teens (2000). Available from The Education Exchange Network, Box K, Eldorado Springs, CO 80025.

Ritchie, Jane & James, Spare the Rod. Sydney: George, Allen & Unwin, 1981

Scott, George Ryley, The History of Corporal Punishment: A Survey of Flagellation in its Historical Anthropological and Sociological Aspects. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1974.

Sidman, Murray, Coercion and its Fallout, Authors Cooperative, Inc., Revised Edition, 2001

Straus, Murray A., Beating the Devil out of Them: Corporal Punishment in American Families. New York: Free Press, 1994.

De Zulueta, Felicity, From Pain to Violence--The Traumatic Roots of Destructiveness, Northvale, New Jersey; London: Jason Aronson, Inc., 1994

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