In November of 2005, Michelle DiGiacomo of Direct Effect Charities was instrumental in helping to pass a Positive Parenting Resolution in the city of Chicago, Illinois. Michelle is now working to carry the reform process to its logical next step: to give children the same level of protection against assault and battery that we as adults take for granted. If you would like your voice heard in Chicago, please e-mail Michelle your letter of support for the proposal shown below. Write to You do not have to be a resident of Chicago, or of Illinois or of the U.S. to write. If you live on this planet and care about children, write to Michelle. Thank you!
WHEREAS, children are at the most vulnerable period of their lives, it is wholly reasonable that the safeguards to their physical safety should be at least equal to that afforded to other citizens.
THEREFORE, the City Council of Chicago finds and declares that protection against assault and battery shall not be abridged or denied to any person on account of age.