A Letter From Fawn W., an Oklahoma Mom

November 29, 2000

I'm writing with hopes that you have some suggestions for me. My daughter is in 1st grade. About 2 weeks into this school year we found out my daughter shared her classroom with her "bestfriend" from kindergarten and as these two can't seem to pay attention when they are together my daughter was being disruptive in class. I talked to her and wrote a note to the teacher saying that Skylar and I had a discussion and if she caused anymore disruptions that she was to be held in at recess and/or the teacher could call me.

A month later Sky came home and told me she got paddled at school for talking in class. I never got a note home saying there was a problem and never got a call or a note before or after she was paddled. I immediately phoned her teacher at home and told her that I believed a teacher with a college degree could come up with some alternative to striking my child, to which she replied that she had indeed held my daughter in from recess and I asked her why I hadn't known about that and she said "I guess she didn't tell you."

Needless to say, Sky was never held in or disciplined in any alternative manner up to the paddling. Also when she got the paddling she was taken into the hall where other children and teachers may have been and instructed to grab her ankles.

I was outraged.

She was switched to another class and I had a meeting with the principal explaining to him that while I understand that corporal punishment is the policy of the school I in no way agree to it and find it unacceptable. He assured me that I would be called before anyone touched her again.

Now today I find out she was paddled again and this time for fighting of all things! I am just disgusted with this whole thing. So they are saying don't hit and then hitting her! What kind of ignorance is this??

This time paddled by the p.e. teacher and picked up by the belt loop in the back of her pants.

I want to take legal action but I can't afford an attorney. I called the police and they said they really couldn't help me. I dont understand. Wasn't my daughter assaulted??? That's sure how I see it.

Please if you can help in any way I would appreciate it more than you know. This is absolutely ridiculous. I'm seriously considering home-schooling her just to keep her from being physically assaulted.

Thanks so much for your time.

Fawn W.
Valliant, Oklahoma

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