Urgent! Please help push HR 5628 through lame duck. HR 5628 is the "Ending Corporal Punishment in Schools Act", authored by NY U.S. Rep Carolyn McCarthy.
This link provides the text of the legislation:
The Lame Duck Session is the Last Chance for McCarthy's Bill, if it doesn't get pushed now, it will die!
Congress is still in session! Please call Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi - (202) 225-4965 & Rep. Hoyer (202) 225-4131 and tell them this:
"I'm in favor of HR 5628 , The Ending Corporal Punishment In Schools Act. PLEASE push HR 5628 through the Lame Duck Session."
Recent studies show that corporal punishment in schools leads to poorer outcomes for children. According to the ACLU report, "Impairing Education', students with disabilities are disproportionately subject to corporal punishment more often.
Please tell everyone you know to call these people every day this week. The more people that call, the better.
We also still need co-sponsors for more support. Please also call your own United States Representative and urge them to co-sponsor the bill. Here is where you can find your Representative:
This is the last chance to protect kids in American Schools from corporal punishment in schools. Please take a moment and call these Representatives, they are logging the number of calls coming into their office so every phone call counts at this point.