Support needed for Rep. Carolyn McCarthy's
The Ending Corporal Punishment in Schools Act, H.R. 3027
September 30, 2011

By clicking on the following link and completing the simple form, you can send the automated letter to your Representative in Congress urging support for H.R. 3027 - The Ending Corporal Punishment in Schools Act. An alternative letter is below. Feel free to use it, or any part of it, if it suits you. Please don't delay. Sometimes our lawmakers need a gentle nudge to remind them that now is the time to bring policies and practices regarding the treatment of U.S. schoolchildren into the 21st Century.

Thank You!


Alternative Letter

Dear Representative:

As a U.S. citizen and resident of (County), (State), I am writing to urge your support for Rep. Carolyn McCarthy's proposed legislation: Ending Corporal Punishment in Schools Act, H.R. 3027, just introduced in the House of Representatives. This bill would deny federal services to any school that subjects pupils to disciplinary beatings. Such treatment – typically the battering of a child's pelvic region with a wooden board – serves no positive educational purpose. Moreover, it exposes the child to serious physical and emotional health risks, exposes the involved institution to civil liability, and sets a dangerous example for onlookers. When done to an adult, the same act constitutes felony assault with a dangerous weapon. Corporal punishment has no support among acknowledged leaders in the fields of education and health. Its use in schools has been banned in all advanced democratic nations except one.


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