Dear Friends,
Thank you to all of you who wrote to the Consumer Product Safety Commission to ask them to recall "The Rod" (nylon whip to beat children). When I filed my complaint 6 weeks ago they said they would make a decision about whether or not to pursue the case within 30 days. I've made several calls to CPSC to find out what the status of my complaint is, and whether they will recall this horrid device. They are now saying it will take more time to make the decision. They also said the more complaints that are filed against Slide's Manufacturing (whip makers & sellers) the better chance we have that they will make pursuing a recall of "The Rod" a priority!
So, PLEASE file a complaint if you haven't already! It's easy - you can do it online at: "The Rod" is definitely an unsafe product! These are the questions they'll ask in the form:
- They will ask questions about the "victim" - victims are children of the people who buy "The Rod"
- Describe incident or hazard - you can write in that this 22" nylon whip definitely causes pain and broken capillaries, and bruising & lacerations from frequent or prolonged use (CPSC only deals with physical injuries). It is manufactured by Slide's Manufacturing.
- Product brand name - "The Rod"
- Place where manufactured - Eufaula, OK
If enough of us complain, I really think CPSC will recall this instrument of torture.
Thank you everyone for helping and for your suppport! This horrid whip business has got to stop. It's appalling how the Bullocks are making a living from blatantly promoting child abuse. Getting their hazardous "product" off the market would be a real win for children.
Susan Lawrence
Treat children as you would have them treat you when they're grown.
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