Alice Miller died on April 14, 2010 at the age of 87. The contribution of her writing to her readers, as well as to the
cause of children and of humanity, is unparalleled.
The lives of all who have read her books, from The Drama of the Gifted
Child to Free from Lies, have been deeply transformed. To read Alice
Miller is to be brought back to your own center, to the child you once were. No matter
what invalidation or mutilation you have suffered, you regain contact with this child. You are able to sweep away the
judgments that have been leveled against children – about their
foolishness, their original sin, their innate bestiality, and their drives – that the culture of contempt for children has stuck onto them. You can dare to declare that as children we were totally innocent. No one before Alice Miller had been so radical. Starting
from the certainty that her books communicate to readers, a true
resurrection becomes possible, simply because each reader is able to
reconnect with the child one was, with the source of life within
Alice Miller contributed infinitely to the cause of childhood. She
showed, without minimizing as others often tend to do, all the forms
of violence to which children are subjected: lack of tenderness,
neglect, absence of care, sexual abuse, and, above all, ordinary
educational violence, which is the most widespread and is everywhere
considered normal and pedagogical. For many people, the profound
effect of her work is surely seen in the adoption by 25 countries of
legislation prohibiting all forms of corporal punishment and
humiliation. Thanks to her and to her studies of the major mass
criminals of the 20th century, we have been able to understand how
what had happened in the intimacy of the family microcosm led to
extremely grave consequences in the macrocosm of the social and
political life of adolescents and adults.
We must hope that in the future all that Alice Miller contributed to
the cause of humanity will be understood. In showing that the life of
adults – their familial, social, and political life, all their history –
revolves around childhood and children, Alice Miller, like her fellow
countryman Copernicus four centuries earlier, put the world
right-side-up again. Freud had failed to do it. By inventing the theory of
drives, after his father's death and so as not to accuse him, he
thereby returned to the old accusation against children as being the
agents of the worst drives. Alice Miller, through empathically
listening to her patients, understood that this theory was false and
had the courage to denounce it. And courage was certainly needed
because she found herself immediately rejected by a number of her
former colleagues. However, in shining light on the principal origin
of human violence, Alice Miller's work gives us hope for reducing, in
its many forms, this violence stemming from ravaged childhoods.
Alice Miller is no longer with us, but her books remain for us.
Likewise, we still have her website that I hope Brigitte Oriol will
continue to take care of. Would it not be possible for Alice Miller's
readers, with the agreement of Brigitte Oriol, to undertake the
translation of the articles on this site into the maximum number of
languages so that Alice Miller's thinking becomes accessible to all
and is spread even more widely than when she was still here?
Translated from the original French by Mitch Hall, April 24, 2010.