Justice for victims of paedophile teacher
This is Lincolnshire (UK), February 20, 2010

Four women abused as children by their teacher came forward to help jail him after he was exposed as a paedophile in the Lincolnshire Echo.

Former headmaster Kevin Crabb, was jailed for four-and-a-half years at Lincoln Crown Court last year for abusing pupils at Ancaster School near Sleaford.

But following the Echo's story, four more victims contacted the police to say Crabb, of Cawood Crescent, Skirlaugh, near Hull, also indecently assaulted them during lessons and in a school storeroom.

Crabb pleaded guilty to four counts of indecent assault on three of the women, but denied further allegations against a fourth, which the prosecution asked to be left on file.

He has been jailed for a further 12, months making his overall sentence five-and-a-half years.

The 54-year-old teacher, who has a fetish for knickers, targeted the girls when he worked as a PE instructor at Alderman Cogan Primary School, in east Hull, in the 1970s and 1980s.

The four women, who were aged nine to 11 at the time of the abuse, have all suffered "lasting" effects as a result of his abuse.

Crabb had repeatedly tapped the girls' bottoms, made them perform handstands in his office and smacked one girl after she forgot her gym kit.

Prosecutor Patrick Palmer told Hull Crown Court: "One girl remembers being taken into a storeroom to put away exercise mats and he would squeeze her.

"She said on one occasion she forgot her PE kit and he took her to his office, placed her over his knee, pulled her pants down and slapped her bottom six times.

"He told the police he liked girls, particularly their bottoms and pants."

In a victim impact statement read to the court, one of Crabb's victims said all of her adult relationships had broken down as a result of the abuse she had suffered.

She added: "After all this time, I have finally realised I need counselling for what happened. It has had a long lasting effect on me."

The court heard more former pupils across the area have accused him of exposure, sexual activity and indecent behaviour, but he has not been charged for these allegations yet.

Detective Constable Adrian Adamson, from Humberside Police's public protection unit, said: "As a result of coverage of the original case in the Echo, these four women came forward.

"This case sends out a strong message to victims that we will investigate and seek to prosecute offenders, even if they are already serving time in prison for similar offences.

"I would like to thank the victims for showing incredible bravery in coming forward and reliving the past while giving evidence against Kevin Crabb.

"I am pleased that Crabb will now serve further time in prison and will not be out for a considerable length of time."


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