Memphis: Paddling discussion postponed Memphis: Paddling discussion postponed
The Commercial Appeal, October 18, 2004

Memphis City Schools officials have postponed plans to discuss whether to ban paddling.

The school board was planning to discuss the hot topic today, but Supt. Carol Johnson asked board members to hold off on those discussions until she has time to come up with alternative disciplinary measures that could be used in place of paddling.

School officials are considering greater dependence on in-school suspension and more behavior counseling in schools.

Board member Lora Jobe, who wants paddling banned, had already drafted a resolution calling to end corporal punishment in city schools. She raised the idea last February after reports that paddling was being abused by some school administrators, including a Hamilton High basketball coach who paddled players for missing shots.

Jobe is pushing for a ban despite a recent survey that showed 70 percent of 1,006 Memphis parents support paddling.

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