A registered nurse has been charged with aggravated child abuse for tying her 12-year-old daughter to a chair and beating her with an extension cord, according to court documents.

Shenia Martin
Shenia Martin, 30, of the 4000 block of Silverleaf, is free on $10,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in court next week.
According to an affidavit, a teacher notified police in October after noticing welts, scratches, bruises and swelling on the arm of a 12-year-old girl who said her mother whipped her with an extension cord.
A 12-year-old male sibling told police he saw his sister being whipped by Martin and that his mother also has whipped him with an extension cord.
The report noted that their 8-year-old brother said their mother tied his sister's hands behind her back and tied her feet together with a sheet before whipping her, the report said.
Martin, who got her nursing license in March of last year according to state records, works at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Hospital spokesman Judith Black said this afternoon Martin is being put on unpaid administrative leave pending more information.
Martin's attorney, Arthur Horne, said he is still investigating the case. "I have not seen any of the reports yet on the charges," said Horne. "All I can say is Ms. Martin maintains her innocence."
Officials said the children are in state custody for now.
-- Lawrence Buser: 529-2385