Gov. Martinez's Facebook page is:!/SusanaMartinezFan?sk=wall&filter=1
Michael Goldfield's message to Governor Martinez:
Yesterday the Senate sent to you HB 172, ending corporal
punishment of schoolchildren in New Mexico's schools!
I look forward to your signing this new legislation.
Signing this bill is a vote of confidence in New Mexico's teachers,
that they can educate kids just fine without hitting them,
like educators in 30 states already embracing more humane
and enlightened discipline techniques.
It will be a joy to see New Mexico become the 31st
of our states to enact such a ban.
Bravo, New Mexico!
Bob Fathman's post was:
And just yesterday the NM Senate and sent to you HB 172, ending
corporal punishment in NM schools! Hooray! Signing this bill is a
vote of confidence in NM teachers, that they can educate kids just
fine without hitting them, like educators in 30 states already
embracing more humane and enlightened discipline techniques.
The Governor's Phone and address:
(505) 476-2200
490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Room 400
Santa Fe, NM 87501
To send a message:
Read HB 172:
Additional details on HB 172:
Michael Goldfield's message in 10 places on Facebook:
You can support New Mexico's new bill to ban corporal
punishment (paddling) in schools.
This legislation has passed both the House and Senate.Please contact
Gov. Susana Martinez and encourage her to sign the new bill into law.
Send Gov. Martinez a message at or call 505-476-2200.