Anita Scott
SUFFOLK — Anita Scott, 27, is now behind bars, accused of repeatedly beating her 9-year-old son with a belt and belt buckle.
Police say the extent of his injuries show that this wasn't just a spanking.
Police spokeswoman Debbie George says, "Detectives routinely get complaints of children that have been abused and they are very good at determining what is routine discipline and what goes above and beyond and in this particular case it went above and beyond."
The investigation first started about a week ago when a child care worker noticed the boy was walking strangely and had bruises. That's when they reported it to social services.
George says, "Social services conducted a follow-up investigation and as a result of what they found in that follow-up investigation they also alerted police. It turns out the child not only had bruises on his legs from the recent beating but he had many bruises and scars all over his body from what appeared to be past beatings."
Scott also has a 2-year-old son. Both children have been removed form her care by Social Services.
She was arrested Monday and now faces a number of charges, including domestic assault, and felony abuse and neglect of a child.
She also faces an obstruction of justice charge for allegedly telling her son not to show his bruises or scars to anyone.
Scott is now being help in Western Tidewater Regional Jail. Police say there's no indication anyone else will face charges in this case.
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