To The Editor:
Your front-page article on the tradition of paddling in schools (July 9)
makes it timely to draw a firm connection between corporal punishment in
schools and child abuse.
All too often social policies proceed in mutually exclusive tracks, and
obvious connections are ignored. It is paradoxical that on one hand our
country invests millions of dollars annually to prevent and cope with the
other, policy makers at every level of government turn a blind eye to the
deliberate injuring of children by school personnel in the name of
At the 1981 National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect sponsored by
the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, Rosalyn Bandman, director of
the social service department of Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio,
reported on a study of injuries defined as parental physical abuse.
The physicians involved in treating these children were "bewildered"
that identical injuries were not, under law, treated in the same fashion.
In the case of injuries inflicted by parents in the home, a report to
child-protective services would begin a process designed to protect the
child from further assault, yet no such legal framework protects children
who are injured by teachers or other school officials.
This anomaly becomes even more dramatic when we consider that there is
a high incidence of excessive discipline for many "special needs" children,
for whom the Education of the Handicapped Act mandates a free appropriate
public education to meet those needs.
Educators who defend the use of corporal punishment frequently do so
out of ignorance of effective alternative systems of discipline. A variety
of other approaches exists, including in-school suspension, assertive
discipline, behavior management, "time out" and many others. The National
Association of Social Workers can provide interested teachers, school
administrators and policy makers with information about these alternatives
to corporal punishment, as well as strategies for changing school policies
through its publication "Spare the Rod?!": A Resource Guide: Alternatives to
Corporal Punishment."
A second wave of educational reform is currently gathering strength in
this country concerning the needs of "children at risk" and America's need
to provide proper educational supports so that they can compete with other
children and, eventually, help fill the burgeoning demand for labor in the
coming years. Children who are physically injured, whether at home or at
school, are part of that group vulnerable to school failure. We must work
toward consistency in our social educational policies by abolishing corporal
punishment in schools.
Suzanne Dworak-Peck - Silver Spring, Md., July 10, 1987
The New York Times, New York, N.Y. 7/25/87
Connections Between School Corporal Punishment and Child Abuse Ignored
The New York Times, July 25, 1987
The writer is president of the National Association of Social Workers.
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