Schoolchildren's felonious art -- Letter to Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist Schoolchildren's felonious art -- Letter to Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist
By Jordan Riak
February 3, 2005

Attorney General Charlie Crist
Office of the Attorney General
State of Florida
The Capitol PL-01
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050

Re: Schoolchildren's felonious art

Dear Mr. Crist:

On January 26, 2005, USA TODAY reported that two children in Ocala, Florida were arrested, taken from the school in handcuffs and charged with a felony for making pencil and crayon stick figure drawings depicting acts of violence against a classmate. A similar arrest took place in May 2001 in Oldsmar, Florida, where a fifth-grader was arrested and lead from Oldsmar Elementary School in handcuffs for making drawings of weapons. (St. Petersburg Times, May 11, 2001).

My question to you is this: Were a Florida schoolchild to draw pictures of a Florida school principal battering someone on the buttocks with a wood paddle, could that also result in the child’s arrest and prosecution on felony charges?

Thank you for your kind attention. I look forward to your response.

Jordan Riak, Exec. Dir.

[Mr. Crist's response will be appended here upon its receipt.]

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