Letter of support from Susan Costello, January 25, 1999
Dear Mr. Miley,

I urge you to give your support to the "No Spanking Zone" proposal that goes before the Oakland City Council January 26. Children are our future. Oakland councilmembers who state that the city has other priorities are misguided. Children *have* to be our priority *today* if we are to see positive change in the future. Even though the city will not legally enforce the proposal, the passage of such a proposal will send a strong statement to the citizens of Oakland and the people of the California in general. As we have moved away from treating minorities and women as second class citizens, now is the time to give children the same protections.

To pass the "No Spanking Zone" proposal is not to tell the people of Oakland how to raise their children. It is a statement by the city of Oakland that acknowledges that children have the right and are deserving of being treated respectfully and in non-violent fashion. This proposal is the first step in heightening public awareness.

Help Oakland be one of the first cities to move forward in this area. Please give your support to this proposal.


Susan Costello
(Alameda County resident)

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