Peggy Dean leads the way!
Union County, North Carolina mom/R.N. wages a relentless campaign to ban school paddling. Support for the reform escalates. Dean: "I want a safe, orderly, caring environment... Educators need to take the high road and decide violence in any form is a tool that will not be used."
- EDITORIAL: Union school board flunks, Charlotte Observer, March 12, 2005
- Board to mull corporal punishment By John Tompkins - Monroe, Enquirer-Journal, March 6, 2005
- Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint's letter to Superintendent Thomas, Union County, North Carolina February 24, 2005
- Peggy Dean's letter to The Enquirer-Journal, February 22, 2005
- EDITORIAL: Problems with paddling -- Corporal punishment is applied inconsistently, should end, The Charlotte Observer, February 21, 2005
- Spanking lopsided at Union schools -- Minorities were disciplined disproportionately at 3 schools , By Emily S. Achenbaum, The Charlotte Observer, February 19, 2005
- District flouts the law -- Letter to Michael Parker, District Attorney, By Peggy Dean, February 18, 2005
- Appalled and Outraged , Letter to The Enquirer-Journal, Gail Langton-Dunlop, MSW & Parent, February 17, 2005
- Please vote to abolish corporal punishment., Lucy Drake's letter to The Enquirer-Journal, February 13, 2005. Lucy Drake is Mayor of Stallings, North Carolina.
- Union County, North Carolina: One school paddles half of all disciplined students , By John Tompkins, The Enquirer-Journal, February 13, 2005
- More disabled kids paddled in Union County, NC, By Emily S. Achenbaum, Staff Writer, The Charlotte Observer, February 12, 2005
- Those who are hit, learn to hit. Those who are listened to, learn to listen., Patricia R. Robinson's letter to the editor, The Enquirer-Journal, February 12, 2005
- Hands Off in the Schools!, Social Worker Dawn Sturkey's letter to The Enquirer-Journal, February 11, 2005
- Stop Paddling Students, EDITORIAL, The Charlotte Observer, February 10, 2005
- Union paddling policy at odds with law, By Emily S. Acherbaum, The Observer, February 8, 2005
- Superintendent halts corporal punishment , By John Tompkins, The Enquirer-Journal, Febraury 3, 2005
- Corporal punishment is on its way out, Peggy Dean's letter to the editor, The Enquirer-Journal, January 29, 2005
- Corporal punishment is barbaric, appalling , Jane Rollins' letter to the editor, The Enquirer-Journal, January 25, 2005
- We're shining light on corporal punishment, Peggy Dean's letter to the editor, Charlotte Observer, August 22, 2004