- Elana P. Cohen: Enhancing the Mental Health of Young Children -- How educators can respond to children who have been affected by community violence
- Erich Fromm: Forward to A. S. Neill's Summerhill
- Paul M. Fleiss, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P.: Mistaken Approaches to Night Waking
- Mitch Hall, M.A.: The Plague of Violence: A preventable epidemic
- Jordan Riak: Youth Rehab or Killer Camps?
- Study: Do not spank, Researchers link it directly to antisocial behavior in kids
- Kevin Baldeosingh: Sparing The Rod
- The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly opposes striking a child
- Thomas Gordon: What Every Parent Should Know
- __________: The Case Against Disciplining Children at Home or in School
- __________: How Children Really React to Control
- Arthur Cherry, M.D., FAAP: It's time to change 'the American way of discipline'
- Children are Unbeatable! Alliance: Why do we need full legal reform to end all corporal punishment?
- SHRC: Physical Punishment of Children -- Statement by the Scottish Human Rights Centre, 2001
- Myriam Miedzian: Time to teach the fourth "R"
- Debra Stang, LCSW: Eight Dangerous Myths About Spanking
- Nadine Block: Lowest achieving Ohio schools quickest with the paddle
- Laurie A. Couture: Using the Bathroom Is Your Right, Not a Privilege!
- Herbert A. Falk, Ph.D.: Spanking and Mental Health
- Benjamin Spock, M.D.: Dr. Spock on Parenting (1989)--Excerpts
- Teresa Whitehurst: Time to stop eleventh-hour parenting
- Parents' Golden Rule Source: Children, Youth & Families Consortium -- University of Minnesota
- Laura Sessions Stepp: When Parents Hit Their Teenagers, Washington Post, April 27, 1999
- Ralph Welsh, Ph.D.: Most of the victims don't have a clue what "hit" them, Letter to Project NoSpank, June 30, 2001
- Dorothy Otnow Lewis, M.D.,: Delinquents' Parents Too Harsh, Excerpt from Guilty By Reason of Insanity, 1998.
- Marlene Resnick: Spanking Teaches Wrong Lessons
- Robert Fathman, Ph.D.: Counseling Spankers - Advice from a family therapist
- Jane Bluestein, Ph.D.: Spare the Rod!, Chapter 17 of Creating Emotionally Safe Schools.
- Eli H. Newberger, M.D.: Discipline and Punishment, Chapter 6 of The Men They Will Become - The Nature and Nurture of Male Character
- __________: Take action when kids are at risk
- __________: Letter to The New York Times about Baumrind's flawed study
- Gene May Show Why Abused Boys Turn Violent
- Jordan Riak: "Old Woman in a Shoe" (Child-safe rhyme) This Adobe PDF file looks great printed on Astroparch Aged Vellum Finish by Wausau Papers. A laminated print is included in our gift packet.
- __________: Abuse in Schools is Out! (Informational sheet for parents of schoolchildren)
- __________: Ask Ten Spankers
- __________: Twenty Good Reasons to Stop a Bad Practice & Veinte razones suficientes para abandonar una practica nociva (Checklist of destructive effects of corporal punishment)
- __________: Letter to a supporter of boot camps and wilderness programs
- __________: "Toxic Schools of Texas" (Booklet)
- __________: "Hablemos francamente sobre el castigo físico en los niños" (Booklet)
- __________: An Alternative to Spanking? (Informational sheet for recovering spankers)
- _________: Spankers need gentle handling
- Jonathan J. Donahue: Spanking as sexualized abuse
- Neither Punishment nor Rewards--Message from a Montessori school director
- Corporal Punishment Exemption Form
- Rob Waters: Corporal Punishment and Trauma
- Melanie Killen: Effects of spanking--A brief summary
- Murray A. Straus, Ph.D.: Demystifying the Defenses of Corporal Punishment, Source: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire Durham, NH 03824. [This is a PDF file. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for viewing.]
- Dear Abby: Set Grandma straight
- Alison apRoberts: Hitting close to home: The anti-spanking movement wants parents to try a hands-off approach
- David Bakan: Slaughter of the Innocents
- Albert Bandura: Institutionally Sanctioned Violence
- Steve Berman, M.D., President, American Academy of Pediatrics: Response to The New York Times Editorial, "Breaking the Hickory Stick"
- John Bradshaw: Spanking
Jane Stillwater: Why Do Violent Cartoons Make Children Feel Safe?
- Pat Briody: Notes From Another Planet
- DeNeen L. Brown: A Good Whuppin'?, Washington Post, September 13, 1998
- Suzanne Dworak-Peck, President, National Association of Social Workers: Connections Between School Corporal Punishment and Child Abuse Ignored
- Susan Bitensky: Final straw: To spank or not to spank?
- __________: Italy Outlaws Spanking
- Alan DeWitt Button: Metaphors of Blood
- __________: Good Science, Good Kids
- __________: Some Antecedents of Felonious and Delinquent Behavior
- Tanya Coyle Cassingham: "Spanking, Littleton, and Willows
- Randy Cox: Response to a Spanker
- Lloyd DeMause: The History of Child Abuse
- __________: The link between anti-Semitism and childrearing
- Jim Duffy & Robert Scharf: Hitting People Isn't Right
- Carol Duncan: They Beat Children, Don't they?
- Robert Fathman: Would You Hit Grandma?
- Susan Forward: Redefining Love
- Lisa Gray: The Boom Boom Method
- Robin Grille: Natural Born Bullies
- Daniel Gursky: Spare The Child
- Agustin Gurza: Spanking: An Idea Whose Time Has Gone
- Robert W. Hagebak: Disciplinary Practices in Dallas Contrasted with School Systems with Rules Against Violence Against Children
- Diana Hembree: The Tragic Side of Classroom Punishment
- __________: Breaking the Hick'ry Stick
- Nat Hentoff: Does Eric Sevareid's Kid Get Hit at School?
- Jeannine Ouellette Howitz: Spanking--Modern Parents' Dirty Little Secret
- Jan Hunt: It Shouldn't Hurt To Be A Child
- __________: Child Abuse is Everybody's Business
- __________: I was Spanked and I'm Fine!
- Tom Johnson: The Fallacies of Pro-Spanking Science: a Point-by-Point Rebuttal to the Apologetics of Two Pediatricians
- Bart Kaplan: The Historical Development of Love Between Parents and Children
- Bob Keeshan: The Time Is Now--How much longer will our nation wait before joining nearly every other developed nation in banning corporal punishment in schools?
- __________: Try Something That Works
- Ellen Key: Excerpts from The Education of the Child (1909)
- James Kimmel: Why Do We Hurt Our Children?
- Penelope Leach: Spanking: a shortcut to nowhere
- Astrid Lindgren: Never Violence
- E.R. Lyons: Zero Tolerance for Violence Towards Children
- Attorneys for the Rights of the Child: Swedish Parliament Scrutinizes Male Circumcision as a Violation of Human Rights
- __________: United Nations Criticized for Sex Discrimination Against Males
- Michael J. Marshall, Ph.D.: A Word About Healthy Discipline
- Adah Maurer: A General Theory of Motivation
- __________: All in the Name of the Last Resort
- __________: Corporal Punishment
- Alice Miller: letters, articles--14 files
- The New York Times Readers' Opinions column, May 5, 2001: Spanking is Child Abuse
- Peter Newell: Keynote address to the EPOCH conference, "The First Decade" held in Auckland, New Zealand, November 1999
- Michael Pastore: The Unsound Logic Behind Spanking-- Beating Children To Teach Them To Be Kind
- __________: Too many parents still hitting on the wrong idea--No U.S. law forbids corporal punishment of citizens under 18
- Eric Perlin: In Search of the Famous Fine Line
- Alvin Pousaint: Spanking Strikes Out
- __________: Then How Do I Discipline?
- Jordan Riak: letters, articles, etc.--34 files
- Jane and James Ritchie: But It Never Did Me Any Harm
- Margret Schaefer and Raymond Barglow: Spare the Rod. . . and Spare the Sarcasm
- Robert Scharf: The Tide is Turning
- __________: The Psychopath Next Door: The Prevalence and Function of Psychopathic and Dissociative Tendencies
- __________: Control and the Innocence of the Child
- __________: Response to a Proponent of Spanking
- David A. Splitt: The abuse of common sense
- Adrew Vachss: Today's Victim Could Be Tomorrow's Predator
- John Valusek: People are Not for Hitting and Children are People Too
- Ralph S. Welsh: The Belt, Adrenalin and Delinquency
- __________: The Beaten May Become Beaters
- Model Child-Protection Legislation
- A Corporal Punishment Bibliography
Return to Project NoSpank Table of Contents at www.nospank.net