1. A   HOLIDAY   GREETING , December 23, 2005

  2. Discipline is a constant, but spanking is never OK, By Jan Faull, Special to The Seattle Times, November 12, 2005

  3. Commission calls for a ban on even the gentlest smacking of children, By Sarah Womack, Social Affairs Correspondent,, November 11, 2005

  4. Child-spanking as Sexual Abuse, By Leila Holm, Child abuse researcher at Åbo Akademi University in Vasa, Finland, 2005

  5. Aga av barn som sexuellt övergrepp, By Leila Holm (Swedish translation of "Child-spanking as Sexual Abuse")

  6. The Nonviolent Christian Parent: Raising Children with Love, Limits and Wisdom By Teresa Whitehurst, Ph.D., Debbie Haskins and Al Crowell, MFT, 2004 (If this page fails to open due to popup blocker on your system, hold down "Ctrl" button and click again.) For information on how to order single or multiple copies, click here.

  7. Against Corporal Punishment – Moving Toward Constructive Child Discipline, UNESCO Publication, Executive Summary. 2005 HTML version   PDF version

  8. Countries where children are protected by law from all corporal punishment, Last updated July 2005

  9. Resolution Opposing Corporal Punishment in U.S. Schools, National Organization for Women (NOW), Adopted on July 2, 2005

  10. VIOLENCE KILLS LOVE: Spanking, the Fourth Commandment and the Suppression of Authentic Emotions An Interview given by Alice Miller to Borut Petrovic Jesenovec for the magazine ONA, (Slovenia). Publication Date: June 28, 2005

  11. The Body Never Lies, By Alice Miller

  12. Targeting obesity at its roots: Adverse childhood experience, By Jane Ellen Stevens, Sacramento Bee, July 31, 2005

  13. Sexual Abuse: Surviving the Pain, By Barabara E. Bogorad, Psy.D., A.B.P.P., SOURCE: The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, Inc., 1998

  14. African American Leaders call for ban on paddling

  15. Protecting children, one city at a time

  16. ABUSE IN SCHOOLS IS OUT!    A check list of abusive treatment of schoolchildren and advice to parents
    (If this or any other PDF page fails to open due to a popup blocker on your system, hold down the "Ctrl" button and click the link again.)

  17. Letter about child abuse from PTAVE to selected Arkansans, and their responses, January 2004

  18. Child Abuse in Our Schools , By Robert Fathman, Ph.D., Mothering, Winter, 1991

  19. Deadly Restraint, By Jordan Riak, 2004

  20. The Duty to Protect: Blackstone's Doctrine of In Loco Parentis: A lens for viewing the sexual abuse of students, Todd A. DeMitchell, September 2, 2003

  21. Dialogues with Rep. Harold Dutton, April 2003 - May 2005

  22. DeSoto Parish School System is Unsafe for Children, June 5, 2005

  23. Toxic Schools of Texas, By Jordan Riak, 2000

  24. Texas' war on kids, By Doyle Weaver, February 5, 2005

  25. Destiny's law - A letter to Texas Senate Jurisprudence Committee, By Doyle Weaver, May 28, 2003.

  26. The lords of discipline, By Ellen Goodman, Post-Gazette, May 18, 2005

  27. Remember the Christian Alamo, By Pamela Colloff, Texas Monthly, December 2001

  28. Changing Violence and Child Abuse: What Can You Do?, By Madeleine Y. Gómez, Ph.D., May 2004

  29. Cambiando La Violencia y Los Abusos Contra Los Niños: ¿Que Podemos Hacer?, By Madeleine Y. Gómez, Ph.D., May 2004

  30. Criando niños sin violencia
    Spanish-language materials (16 files)

  31. It is time to stop putting children second in the UK and USA , Editorial, The Lancet, July 17, 2004

  32. Presentation to the Hamilton County Board of Education, By Tom Johnson, November 18, 2004

  33. Presentation to the Rutherford County Board of Education, By Tom Johnson, October 21, 2004

  34. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: An open letter to the Union County School Board, From John Erker, in the Enquirer Journal, Monroe, NC, September 18, 2005

  35. Spanking: A debate resolved, Jordan Riak, April 24, 2005

  36. Time to Get Serious, By Jordan Riak, December 22, 2004

  37. Letter to ___________, By Jordan Riak, February 2005. Readers who would like to forward copies of this letter on PTAVE letterhead, may select any of the PDFs bearing the following salutations: (If any PDF fails to open due to popup blocker on your system, hold down "Ctrl" button and click again.)

  38. Reply to a Christian conservative who claims to be living proof of spanking's benefits, By Jordan Riak, November 11, 2004

  39. Paddling: A Legacy of Violence
    By Tom Johnson, April 2003

  40. Bigotry by any other name, By Jordan Riak, August 1999

  41. Sheer Unadulterated Sadism, By Alice Miller, May 2004

  42. His Own Private Abu Ghraib, By John Gorenfeld, March 23, 2005, Source: Orkut

  43. The last resort -- Inside Tranquility Bay (Part I and Part II), By Decca Aitkenhead, The Observer, June 29, 2003

  44. Reframing the debate about spanking, Correspondence to PTAVE from J.K.R., January 21, 2005

  45. Respect for human rights begins at home, By Jordan Riak, May 9, 2004

  46. Emotional Child Abuse: The Invisible Plague, By Susan Jacoby, Reader's Digest, February, 1985

  47. Positive Reinforcement at Home, in Institutions , By Murray Sidman, Excerpt from Coercion and its Fallout (1989), Chapter 16, "Is There Any Other Way?" pp. 214-223

  48. Cradle of civilisation -- In order to develop a 'social brain', babies need loving one-to-one care, By Sue Gerhardt, The Guardian, July 24, 2004

  49. So, how hard can we hit our children?, By Catherine Bennett, The Guardian, July 8, 2004

  50. Researchers find slower skill development in spanked toddlers, By Ruth J. Moss, Psychology Today, November 1986

  51. Creating a Community Parenting Center, By Robert B. McFarland, Journal of Psychohistory 32(4) Spring 2005

  52. Beware of the quick fix, Henry Lawton's remarks after reading about the teen's death at Thayer Learning Center Boot Camp, February 8, 2005

  53. Prosecutor: Boot camp won't face charges, By Steve Rock, The Kansas City Star, October 2, 2005

  54. False Allure of the Boot Camp, By Henry Lawton, Correspondence to PTAVE, January 18, 2005 PDF version

  55. Pseudotherapy Dangerous to Kids: An alert to NJASP officers, From Jean Mercer, Ph.D. and Linda Rosa, R.N., SOURCE: New Jersey School Psychologist, Fall 2002

  56. Coercive Restraint Therapies: A Dangerous Alternative Mental Health Intervention, By Jean Mercer, PhD, SOURCE:, August 9, 2005

  57. Pernicious effects of punishment, Excerpt from Child Psychology. Revised. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1940. (p. 178)

  58. Jamie Foxx remembers boyhood whippings, Responses from Dr. Teresa Whitehurst, Barbara Rogers, Jordan Riak, March 1, 2005

  59. A Word About Healthy Discipline, By Michael J. Marshall, Ph.D., Chapter 6, Why Spanking Doesn't Work: Stopping this Bad Habit and Getting the Upper Hand on Effective Discipline, Bonneville Books, an imprint of Cedar Fort, Inc., Springville, UT, June 2002

  60. Wounds that will not heal, By Senator Andrew Murray, The Age (Australia), August 15, 2004

  61. Bloody Streets of Oakland, By Jordan Riak, December 2002

  62. Of Spanking and Race, By Garry Cooper, Psychotherapy Networker, September 28, 2004

  63. Why Do Parents Beat Their Kids?, By Susan Forward Source: Toxic Parents, (1989) pages 119-20

  64. Letter to the Members of the Memphis School Board and Reply to Member Patrice Robinson, By Jordan Riak, February 25, 2004

  65. A dangerous message from folks who should know better, By Jordan Riak, September 19, 2003

  66. A Model School? Two Views: "Virginia school aims to build character," a gushing support piece in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and Norm Lee's critique of the program, July 24, 2004

  67. One Toxic Middle School in Mississippi, Letter from a Substitute Teacher to Project NoSpank, March 22, 2005

  68. Violence Sets an Example, By Kerby T. Alvy, Ph.D., March 2005

  69. Dr. E___, Professor of Psychology and Jordan Riak debate spanking September 2005

  70. Open Letter to Roy Lessin, Author of Spanking: Why, When, How, From Beth Fenimore, September 7, 2005

  71. Wounds that never heal, Letter to PTAVE from John F., May 28, 2005

  72. Fatherly Love (?), Letter to PTAVE from Dan Dwayne, February 21, 2005

  73. The Discoverers By Richard L. Davis, NY COP online magazine (July 7, 2000). A former police officer's indictment of corporal punishment as a factor in domestic violence.

  74. Ann's Letter to Parents, February 2003

  75. Deadly Silence, By R.A., December 1987

  76. Dirty Secrets: Why sexually abusive teachers aren't stopped , First of a three-part series by Jane Elizabeth Zemel and Steve Twedt, Post-Gazette, October 31, 1999
    Part Two Flawed system aids bad teachers
    Part Three State education officials want legislators' help to end sexual abuse

  77. View two video clips of teenagers in custody being beaten by guards; hear commentary. Please be patient while loading.

    Tape 1) Select "Watch Mike TeSelle's Report" after going to Senator: Videotaped CYA Beating Warrants Charges

    Tape 2) Open QuickTime Player on your computer. Then go to

  78. From Coercive to Strength-Based Intervention: Responding to the Needs of Children in Pain, Larry K. Brendtro, Ph.D., January 2004

  79. My unforgettable experience as a guest of the state, By Carlos, June 25, 2005

  80. Lucifer's Brothers - A Memoir, By Casey, April 25, 2003

  81. No brother to me By Steve Boulton, The Guardian, April 23, 1998

  82. The "Christian" Brothers robbed me of my innocence, Adrian Van Neste, February 9, 2001

    Illustration: Jordan Riak

  83. Rape: Lesson No.1

  84. An analysis and assessment of "Rape: Lesson No. 1.", How abusers betray themselves through predictable patterns of behaviour, By Tim Field

  85. The Pain of Sexual Abuse is a Life Sentence - My Experience, By Tiina B., September 13, 2002

  86. What Causes Spanking Fetishes? A Testable Model, By Chris Dugan, 1996

  87. How school paddling can derail sexual development in children, By Martin, August 2003

  88. Response to a scripture-quoting defender of spanking, By Randy Cox, April 2004

  89. Where are the Christians who oppose corporal punishment? An invitation from PTAVE, December 2002

  90. Dallas ISD Clings to Paddle, August 2003

  91. Recall The Rod! An Urgent Message to Friends of Project NoSpank, By Susan Lawrence, December 2003

  92. A rattlesnake in the classroom, By Doyle Weaver, August 2003

  93. A Dark Day for Children in Wyoming, By Jordan Riak June 2003

  94. A Letter to The Ombudsman for Children, By Olivier Maurel, France, November 30, 2004

  95. NSPCC calls for government rethink on hitting children following UN report, NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) , October 3, 2002

  96. Aggression and Delinquency By Dr. Philip Greven, from PART IV CONSEQUENCES, subheading: "Aggression and Delinquency," of Spare the Child: The Religious Roots of Punishment and the Psychological Impact of Physical Abuse, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1990.
    HTML version (6 KB)
    PDF version (48 KB)

  97. Parenting for a Peaceful World, By Robin Grille, 2005

  98. Religious Extreemism: A Parenting Style, Chapter 14 of Robin Grille's Parenting for a Peaceful World, 2005

  99. Abusive Early Child Rearing and Early Childhood Aggression (Excerpt), By Roy C. Herrenkohl & M. Jean Russo, Lehigh University, 2001

  100. Pernicious effects of punishment, By John J. B. Morgan, Excerpt from Child Psychology. Revised. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1940. (p. 178)

  101. Spanking and the wall of silence By Dr. Alice Miller, and related articles, letters and excerpts from Miller, with an introduction by Lucien X. Lombardo, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, Old Dominion University. (14 files)

  102. What every parent should know By Dr. Thomas Gordon. Also, by the same author: "What every teacher should know," The Case Against Disciplining Children at Home or in School" and "How Children Really React to Control"

  103. Correlation between high rates of corporal punishment in schools and social pathologies By John Guthrow, December 2002

  104. A league table of child maltreatment deaths in rich nations, Innocenti Report Card No.5, September 2003. UNICEF: Innocenti Research Centre, Florence.

  105. Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth, Coalition on the Physical Punishment of Children and Youth, April 25, 2003, publication pending endorsements, Pre-Publication Edition, Coalition: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Child Welfare League of Canada, Family Service Canada, Canadian Child Care Federation, Canadian Institute of Child Health, Canadian Public Health Association, Canadian Association for Young Children.

  106. Disjointed or Double-Jointed? Corporal Punishment Permitted in Missouri Public Schools vs. Corporal Punishment Prohibited by State Policy, By Stephen Blower, Attorney at Law, January 2003

  107. Schoolchildren's felonious art -- Letter to Florida Atty. Gen. Charlie Crist, By Jordan Riak, February 3, 2005

  108. Crossed signals, Mixed messages - One court calls it child abuse, another calls it normal

  109. Is your child at risk? -- The scandal of paddling in school, By Anne Cassidy, Family Circle, November 1, 2002

  110. Yes ... spare the rod; Early educator rejected corporal punishment , By Robert D. Ilisevich, The Meadville Tribune, April 12, 2005

  111. Corporal Punishment and Child Abuse -- Why do we continue to sanction child abuse in the classroom?, By Dr. Frederick C. Green, "The Humanist," November/December 1988

  112. What shall we tell the children?, By Dr. Nicholas Humphrey, Amnesty Lecture, Oxford, 21st February 1997

  113. Serial child abuser finds easy prey in classrooms - Children's safeguards are scant to nonexistent, By Barbara Neff, June 8, 2003

  114. What spanking does for kids By Dr. Irwin A. Hyman, excerpt from The Case Against Spanking: How to Discipline Your Child Without Hitting, (1997), pages. 58-62.

  115. Spanking--Modern Parents' Dirty Little Secret, Jeannine Ouellette Howitz, October 2000

  116. Time to stop eleventh-hour parenting By Teresa Whitehurst, 1995

  117. The Baumrind Fallacy Expert rebuttals to Dr. Baumrind's defense of "normative" spanking.

  118. Spanking makes children violent, antisocial, By Murray Straus, Ph.D., Excerpt from the "American Medical Association News Update," August 13, 1997

    Illustration published by the Anti-slavery Office, Boston 1845

  119. Paddling: A Legacy of Slavery (PDF leaflet)
    Commentary by Geroge Ryley Scott, John Locke, William Grier, M.D., Price M. Cobbs, M.D., and Quintilian.

  120. Advocacy Group Links 'Paddling' to Slavery [Interview with Jordan Riak], By Ginger Carter, The Exponent, Student Newspaper of University of Alabama in Huntsville, June 18, 2004

  121. 39th Congress prohibited corporal punishment, declared it "barbarous in character and degrading in influence," 1866

  122. The Evolution of Childrearing, from The Emotional Life of Nations, Chapter 8, By Lloyd deMause (2002)

  123. A lecture on the abuse of the fear instinct in early education, By Boris Sidis, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1919, 14, 333-348.

  124. Fiction and Fact -- Corporal Punishment in Schools, By Jordan Riak, 2003
    HTML version
    PDF version (Requires 8.5 by 14 paper)

  125. 107 organizations demand an end to corporal punishment in schools of the United States

  126. 14 prominent organizations' position statements opposing corporal punishment

                                    Illustration: Jeff Charles
    How readers can print and effectively use the above image

    See how it works:

  127. Corporal Punishment Ban -- California Education Code Section 49001, Effective Jan. 1, 1987

  128. Paddling in Alabama - A "last resort" or a field day for sadists?, From NetZero, November 8, 2002

  129. How to Grow a Patriarchy By Robert Silvey, March 6, 2005

  130. Paddling & Lynching in the United States

  131. Top ten pupil-battering states in the U.S. Look at these batting averages. See who's in the Education Hall of Shame.
    1997-98 School Year
    1996-97 School Year

    Would you trust them with the care of a child you love?
    Would you trust them with your pet dog?

  132. Excerpt from "Banning Corporal Punishment: A Constitutional Analysis" By Deana A. Pollard, American University Law Review, Volume 52, Number 2, December 2002

  133. Danger Zones (States in the U.S. where the beating of schoolchildren is practiced and condoned)

                                       Illustration: Jordan Riak

    To print the above image postcard-size, 4 to a page, load your printer with card stock, click here and print.

  134. Look who's behind the whistle, School coaches out of control

  135. The neurobiology of child abuse - Negative effects on brain development and function, By Dr. Martin H. Teicher, Scientific American, March 2002.

  136. The Swedish Example -- A Model for Reform, By Al Crowell, December 20, 2002.

  137. Child Abuse in Sweden, By Joan E. Durrant, Ph.D., April 9, 2003

  138. Shame
    Authors: Robin Grille/Beth Macgregor, Daniel Goleman

  139. A Mississippi Gulag A report by Assistant Attorney General Ralph F. Boyd, Jr. on abuse of juveniles in two Mississippi youth training schools, June 19, 2003.

  140. Juvenile justice must ensure fair treatment, By U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, March 18, 2004

  141. Boot Camp for Kids - Torturing Teenagers for Fun and Profit

  142. School uniforms: Discipline or abuse?

  143. Health risks to children associated with forced retention of bodily waste - A statement by healthcare professionals

  144. Research and informed expert opinion (See under Project NoSpank Index by Author)

  145. What should I do when I see someone hitting their kid? ,
    Contributors: Debra L. Stang, Norm Lee, Mary M. Lansing, Trisha Goddard, Misty Melvin, Jordan Riak, Jason Hernandez, and Eli H. Newberger

  146. Miscellaneous educational materials for parents, educators, healthcare providers and policymakers (See under Project NoSpank Index by Author)

  147. The law: how it fails to protect children (14 files)

  148. Forced exercise as punishment (15 files)

  149. Child Marriage: An issue whose time has come?, Compiled November 10, 2003

  150. Rape as punishment (5 files)

  151. Infanticide in the U.S. - The invisible epidemic (6 files)

  152. Smacking laws in other countries, BBC News, July 5, 2004

  153. Human Rights Pressure for Equal Protection, June 2005

  154. Toward eliminating spanking worldwide
    Europe Turns Against Spanking     Australia     Belgium     Canada     Ethiopia     Finland     Germany     Gaum     Iceland     India     Ireland     Israel     Italy     Jamaica     Japan     Kenya     Pakistan     Scotland     South Africa     Sweden     Taiwan    Thailand     United Kingdom            

  155. A kinder, gentler religious perspective on child management

  156. Words of Wisdom
    When 61/2-year-old Sierra, Jordan Riak's granddaughter, saw a photo in the PTAVE office of a Kentucky school principal holding his paddle, she said the following, then drew the accompanying illustration:
    “Let’s not call him a stupid man and just throw him out. Let’s just call him a man who doesn’t know very well and teach him. Grandpa? Can you give me a piece of paper so I can write a book about the nospank? Hey, I have a good idea - a picture book for no spanking. It saves us a lot of writing.”

  157. Ashley Montagu condemns corporal punishment in a letter to Jordan Riak, March 13, 1989

  158. Quintilian's observation on the smacking of children, Source: Institutes of Oratory, Rome, circa 88 CE

  159. Judge Amy's verdict on spanking, From the TV show, "Judging Amy" on CBS

  160. Ask Ten Spankers, By Jordan Riak, November, 2001

  161. Drive Drunk Responsibly, By Jordan Riak, April 9, 1998

  162. Selected friendly mail

  163. Selected critical and hostile mail

  164. Old Woman in a Shoe A child-safe, non-toxic version

    To print "Old Woman in a Shoe," load your printer with Wausau Natural Vellum Finish #27421 paper, or other paper of your choice, click here and print. Adobe Reader required. (If this page fails to open due to popup blocker on your system, hold the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard and click again.)

  165. If you haven't found what you are looking for here, try Index by Author.

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